We are a family of believers committed to one another and to growing our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We strive to live our lives as Jesus taught us, and we actively work to lead others to a relationship with God the Father. ALL are welcome and we want you to feel right at home. There is no dress code here, be yourself and join our family!

We hold the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, our source of knowledge and wisdom on all matters in our lives. We learn and grow by our individual and group study of the Bible as well as our fellowship with one another.

We believe in the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  We believe that mankind lost the perfect relationship with God when Adam and Eve were deceived in the Garden of Eden. We believe that the Bible documents the many attempts by God to bring us back to a perfect trusting relationship; however, we as humans have fallen short through our own sin and disbelief of being able to restore that relationship. 

God created a path for us by sending his son Jesus Christ to sacrificially die for us, atoning for our sins. He overcame death and was resurrected to sit at the right hand of God the Father. By God’s grace, his overwhelming and unbounded love, He gives us salvation and eternal life with Him if we believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that our faith in Jesus Christ saves us. Our faith means we strive to put our trust in God and remain obedient to His Word. Our actions do not save us, God’s grace saves us.

We are commanded by Jesus to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Simply put, a disciple is a follower and student of Jesus Christ. Each of us is on our own faith journey to grow in faith, trust and obedience of the Lord, loving our neighbors as ourselves, and telling others of God’s love and grace with the hope of leading others to a belief and faith in Jesus Christ.

We all are the church, a group of people who come together to worship God, learn about God, grow in our faith, and encourage each other along the way. We grow and learn in our own way and each of us is on our own faith journey. We work together to bring God’s love to all people. We have several ministries, and we welcome those who are inspired to bring new ministries to our church. We provide ten percent of all that is given to missions outside of our church.

We earnestly hope that you will visit us, talk with us, join us in our activities, and choose to become part of our family. We have a seat waiting just for you!