Words of Encouragement 3-20-24

Hey Church, our word for this week comes to us from Matthew 16:15-17

“But what about you? Jesus asked, Who do you say I am? Simon Peter answered, you are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.  Jesus replied, Blessed are you, Simon Son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.”

I want to talk to you a little today about how each of us at some point in our lives we make a decision about who Jesus is.  Just as this was revealed to Peter by God the Father, so there comes a time in our lives when after being convicted by the Holy Spirit that we make a decision. And I believe the moment we do it, it is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit who Jesus is, and we begin that transformation in our lives with that realization of Who He is and what he has done for us. I want to encourage you today, that if you already have that relationship with God through Jesus to nurture it by spending time in Prayer, in Studying scripture and listening to that “still small voice” of the Holy Spirit in your life.  Look to him for guidance and direction in How you can serve him by pointing others to him through word and deed.  If you don’t already have that “relationship” with Him, I encourage you to do as it says in Joshua 24:15 “Choose you this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

God Bless

Tim Olsen

Lay Leader